Thursday, March 02, 2023

What Ails Google - And How it Can Turn Things Around

Interesting look behind the curtains at Google from someone who could be both considered and insider and outsider (his company was acquired by Google and his three year retention period recently ended). The main gist, "Google's fundamental problems are along the culture axis and everything else is a reflection of it." 

Thought this paragraph helped illustrate the point:

If all the senior managers in a team spend one month in every six planning, and one month goes on vacations and one month doing performance reviews, there's suddenly just enough time to do a reorg and change in strategy once a year, right? Nothing gets done, no problem, no risk - hand out the promos and bonuses and keep going."

Reading the post I was suddenly reminded of General Motors in the 1970's who ended up having their lunch eaten by a more nimble and innovative Japan in the 1980's.

Long but worthwhile read for anyone in tech, management or the just curious.

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