Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Modest Proposal

Here's a modest proposal to help fix education in America in a few short steps.

Problem solved. What do you think?

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  1. They shifted the baseline when you weren't looking and declared that, "all kids deserve an education and one shared in common." There's an enormous number of kids that cannot be educated and more that simply won't be and you can't force them. The fact that there is nothing out there anymore for people who cannot even read at a 3rd grade level escapes them all. In the meantime that "Education" must make the parent of those above slightly more bearable since they are spared having their children bother them for almost 8 hours every school day.

  2. They also called for standardized testing until that testing showed the schools were failing the kids. Then standardized tests suddenly became racist.

    Bring back reform schools and asylums.
