Sunday, September 10, 2023




  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Yes, and I remember the heated "discussions" with the diehards before they did finally admit it. What it took to overcome their lack of observation skills and common sense was beyond logical thought and a product of emotional overload. Yep, same is going on now and I think it goes beyond the media.

    1. Oops. Above was me. I don't believe in anonymous commenting. Stand up and be recognized! :-)

      To the image quote I would add:
      Big business -- do they really believe their own assessment of their customers as indicated by their product advertising and product labeling?
      Hollywood: Same as other big business, but maybe current ratings/attendance drops, plus public failure to "suffer" from the lack of writers' strike effect means they will get the message that many of us are not what they believe us to be.

  2. That's a question I've never asked myself. Are the wresting writers under the same umbrella as the Hollywood writers? Has the action dropped off? Haven't watched since Roddy Piper
