Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and wanted to share.

- Niall Ferguson and the Adam Smith House speech.

- CMD Salamander on where is Taiwan's Cherbourg? Admit to being largely ignorant of this bit of D-Day history.

- Cool - a free collection of digital classical and modern art.

- I want one


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Re Cmdr Salamander, there's a saying "Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics". It takes huge amounts of food, fuel, ammunition and parts for a modern army to fight and win. A Sherman tank burns 3 gallons per mile!
    After D-Day came 'the battle of the build-up' - landing enough supplies in Normandy for the Allies to advance, while denying the Germans supplies by destroying every train and truck Allied fighter-bombers could find. Hitler ordered the harbour at Cherbourg to be demolished to prevent it being used by the Allies.

  2. Al I appreciate the comment and I have to wonder at the same time whether the Chinese has realistically taken that into account while assuming properly equipped drones could take out those carriers. Kinda of assuming people will just say what the CCP bureaucrats want hear and not the truth.

    By the same token I'm afraid we might be underestimating the CCP's capabilities. Why I worry.
