Friday, March 08, 2024

Ironic Karma

One of the problems the Japanese faced in their planned attack on Pearl Harbor was the fact that the bay was so shallow that traditional torpedoes would sink in the mud. To the rescue came Mitsubishi Munitions:

The manufacturer did better. Realizing the weapons were vital to a secret program of unprecedented importance, manager Yukiro Fukuda bent company rules, drove his lathe and assembly crews overtime and delivered the last of the 180 specially modified torpedoes by November 17. Mitsubishi Munitions contributed decisively to the success of the first massive surprise blow of the Pacific War by the patriotic effort of its torpedo factory on Kyushu, the southernmost Japanese island, three miles up the Urakami River from the bay in the old port city of Nagasaki.

The atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 would in effect end the war in the Pacific and cause Japan's unconditional surrender. 

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