Saturday, March 02, 2024

Now They Tell Us

It's telling that they waited for a Friday to drop this on people. Related:

Vitamin D vs Covid vaccine.

In a nutshell.

"A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity." - Gracian


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Those of us who did some reading knew it from the start. Go to the FLCCC site, read the protocol.
    I had pre-arranged for a prescription of ivermectin (had to go out of hospital system to find someone who would prescribe it.) When I got covid I followed the protocol, the fever lasted six hours, and I was out hiking two days later. I was 73 yrs old then and not overweight.
    SP RN

  2. Know two friends who got Covid and both said it was no worse than they flu. Know some people who died shortly (within 48 hours) of getting a shot. When they have to change the very definition if vaccine - you know they are up to no good.

    Good for you on the ivermectin. I asked my doctor about it and he said he couldn't even prescribe it for his own mother!

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Dunno about the prescription laws in the peoples republic of Massoftwosh!ts, but here in the free state of Idaho it was perfectly legal… except the commie mayor of Boise has sycophants in hospital admin who forbade it IN SYSTEM.
    It’s an inexpensive med, so I just went to an unaffiliated practitioner and paid out of pocket. WAAY WORTH IT!!
    SP RN

  4. In MA even though we had a Republican governor we still had plexiglass separators in restaurants (as if they were magical). I hope never again

  5. LargeBill1:06 PM

    There was a study I think done in Italy, fairly early on in the pandemic, that showed that men fighting prostate cancer had a less severe reaction to the Covid virus. They speculated that it might be attributable to fact we take calcium and vitamin D supplements to reduce side effects of treatment. Wife and daughter had Covid a couple times and even though I made no effort to avoid them, I never had any symptoms.

  6. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Truth is the problem for our selected tyrants that desperately need power. If not then democracy is finished.

  7. When they tried to make Ivermectin illegal and closed the golf courses and beaches - you know if was all money driven. Hopefully never again.
