Monday, April 15, 2024

Patriots Day Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Congrats to Scottie Scheffler on winning the Masters yesterday. He won by 4 strokes mostly by getting better while other challengers were humbled by Augusta and the pressure. Feel free to bestow a Patriots Day gift on me by Subscribing, hitting the Like button, or sharing the Link. Thanks!


  1. Patriots Day is celebrated in Maine, but then Maine was part of Massachusetts until 1820. I see a few more states have jumped on the bandwagon. Weather looks good for the marathon, another year I am not running.

  2. Never ran the marathon though two brothers did. We used to go to the Red Sox game earlier (around 11:00) and then watch the runners after the game. Great day. Now all my friends want to golf instead. Part of growing old.

    Keep forgetting about Maine and Patriots Day. Love the history of how Maine became a state as part of the "Great Compromise" and Mass screwed them by selling the coastline to NH.
