Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Old euphemisms for whiskey used to include calling it a drop of "save the baby" or "snakebite medicine." Have a friend who calls it "a drop of the creature." Love that language and think we should try to bring those back in usage. 

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  1. Most people believe the Germans, and especially the Nazis, were well organized and efficient. In reality, the Nazi state was basically a gangster organization, with competing factions to lessen the chances of an internal coup. They wasted resources and people continuously. Don't forget the attacks in Norway that derailed production of deuterium, which was essential to the Nazi program.

  2. Agreed. They came up with rockets (V-2), jet airplanes (Messersmitt), and was deep into study of heavy water as a pre-cursor for a bomb but were too disorganized to allow any one of those to make a big difference. Or too divided by petty political in-fighting.
