Friday, September 03, 2004

Miscellaneous Thoughts

OK I'm back from Toronto and I have lots to say so check back often today... Did you hear John Kerry say that the Red Sox have pulled to 2.5 games of the Yankees? That's right up there with Kerry saying his favorite Red Sox player was "Manny Ortiz"... Worth repeating - not sure if you caught stelfaul's comment on a previous post regarding the Indians beating the Yankees 22-0 - "The Indians haven't had a victory like this since Little Bighorn"... Heard the Bush speech last night on the radio. I think he did a good job and I'm surprised that nobody has put like a minute of Kerry's speech back to back with Bush's to show the huge difference in delivery. Bush was natural and his speech and cadence was measured. Kerry seemed like he was trying to race to beat a time deadline... OK I have to say it! I don't think the Red Sox get this hot if Nomar is still with the team... I heard Radio Gods Don and Mike on the radio during my trip. I miss listening to Don & Mike on the radio... I surprised that nobody had a "Give 'em Hell Zell" sign or buttons at the RNC. Maybe there were buttons and signs and I missed it but I think this would have been a great marketing idea.... Also caught part of the Lars Larson radio show during my travels. This guy seems very well informed and I will go out of my way to try and find out where I can listen to him again...

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