Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Slice of Life - A Travel Story

I'm traveling today in the Northern Virgina area. This morning I flew into BWI and something happened when I landed that made me recall a story my buddy Mike told me and which he swears is true (although amost any time someone uses the words "I swear this is true" your crap detector should go off).

Anyway, Mike had a friend who was traveling and he happened to be in the Atlanta Hartsfield Airport when nature called (number two). The friend goes into the stall and gets himself situated when he hears a voice from the next stall say, "How's it going?"

Nonplussed, the friend answers, "OK I guess."

The voice then says, "Everything working out?"

The friend uncomfortably answers, "So far so good I guess."

Then the voice in the next stall says, "Hey listen - I gotta hang up. They guy in the next stall thinks I'm talking to him."

True or not - that's some funny shit.

What got me thinking about that story was me getting off the plane and heading to the men's room (number one). It was impossible not to notice this one guy in one of the stalls. It was impossible not to notice him because he was talking VERY LOUDLY on his cell phone. It was very memorable because the guy was facing forward and you could see he was wearing a hard hat (I know he was facing forward because I could see part of his forehead under his hard hat and his hard hat was above the top of the stall). Because you could see the hard hat - that means the guy was either like 7'5" and taking a dump or he was doing a trick shot between the legs move.

Either way - it was memorable enough for me to share.

I'll try to keep my scatalogical observations to a minimum in the future.

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