The Red Sox magic number is now at 94. Many, many things happened in 1994. NAFTA was enacted; Tip O'Neill passed away; Tony Harding had Nancy Kerrigan knee-capped; the "Scream" is stolen in Oslo; Kurt Cobain killed himself; the Chunnel opens connecting England and France; John Candy dies; the Rangers beat the Vancouver Canucks in the Stanley Cup final; OJ Simpson killed a couple of people (allegedly); George Foreman wins the heavyweight championship; Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the US, passes away only to be upstaged once again by the Kennedy's as Jackie O dies a month later; and a strike kills the 1994 baseball season.
Many, many things happened in 1994 but the one I want to draw special attention to was the passing of Aristotelis "Telly" Savalas. He grew up in Lynn, MA (Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin, you never come out the way you went in). Who loves ya Telly? I do.
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