Saturday, December 08, 2012

John Lennon RIP

On this day 32-years ago John Lennon was murdered.

When I think of the tragedy I think of Howard Cosell announcing the news to the world on Monday Night Football.


  1. Ugh, I had a kz 400 motorcycle at the time. I ha ridden it to a place called Billy's on Old National Highway to eat nachos, drink free Berra and watch the game.

    At the time I was enthralled with the Rock N Roll album, which has some of the greatest covers ever.

    I met my buddy Don Brown there and when we saw that he just wanted to go home, so I rode him home on the back of my KZ 400 in a sleeting rainstorm. Man it was cold and we were poor.

  2. I was a freshman in high school and back then I thought the Beatles were over-rated. It's amazing how stupid you can be in high school.
