Sunday, August 26, 2018

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

People with "coexist" bumper stickers are usually the worst drivers on the road. How about learning to coexist with other traffic and then you can make your political statements... Heh Heh... "The Democratic Party in power is a standing menace to the prosperity of the country." Republican motto from the 1888 election... Interesting - "at no time in the past 40 years, since Saddam Hussein aquired absolute power... has Baghdad been as free and fun as it is now"... When Albert Einstein first visited America in 1921 the US Senate saw fit to debate the validity of the Theory of Relativity. That's seriously something that happened... I honestly had never heard of the Great Colonial Hurricane (which would also be a cool name for a band)... Are National Dog Day and Womens Equality Day really held on the same day? Really?...

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