Thursday, January 05, 2023

Why are the Mostly "Jabbed" High Income Counties Hardest Hit?

For the 6.7 billion people (85% of the world) who don't live in High Income nations, covid stopped killing people around March 31, 2022. (Via)
I'm reminded of the question of why there wasn't an epidemic of dead homeless littering the streets during the pandemic. Why are poor mostly unvaccinated countries doing better than the High Income mostly "jabbed" countries? In your heart you know the answer.


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Diabetes, dementia and obesity were co-morbidities with covid. Richer countries have a large segment of the population with those health conditions, poor countries don't. Also covid went nowhere in equatorial Africa where Ivermectin is taken weekly or bi-weekly as a prophylaxis against the parasite that causes river-blindness. Uttar Pradesh, a poor region in India with 230 million inhabitants, ignored the WHO and shut down Covid with Ivermectin, doxycycline and Vitamin D.


  2. Al - 100%. Also first world countries never mentioned diet, exercise and sunlight (Vitamin D) as proper "medicines" to help remain healthy. Poorer nations, in general, don't eat processed foods or sugary drinks, often rely on muscle power, and are often outside.

    In America the FDA would have you believe that Lucky Charms are better for you than a nice steak.
