Monday, January 16, 2023

Linky Links

 Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- What "Impossible" meant to Richard Feynman.

- Reportedly Jeff Bezos did not submit a bid for the Washington Commanders. More interesting is the idea that its because Dan Snyder will not sell to Bezos because of the way the Washington Post has treated him.

- How can we trust the institutions that lied about Covid? The answer is - you can't and you shouldn't ever again.

- Satchel Paige - American icon


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The rest of US are well beyond asking if trust is warranted. We have moved on to the question of why trust anyone that lies for political gain and defrauds elections in order to gain undeserved power and be able to lie some more. Democrats do not win elections , they engineer selections.

  2. The average American now has less trust in our own institutions than the amount of trust we had in the Russians during the Cold War.
