Monday, August 14, 2023

Never Forget


  1. Chris, do I understand you to suggest that vaccination = Communism? Dear Lord, please tell me it ain't so! Look, I understand we all hate the way our beloved leaders handled the Covid emergency and the vaccine rollout . . . but, as a matter of fact, I DO remember when chicken soup, rest, etc. were the only treatments available for various childhood diseases. I suspect that the vast majority of present-day anti-vaxxers (who no doubt think of themselves as stalwart anti-Communists) have never seen anyone with polio, or measles, or any other once-common childhood disease. As I mentioned in an earlier comment I was among the first generation to be vaccinated (thank God!) against polio, one of nature's cruelest diseases because it primarily attacks children (which is why it was commonly called "infantile paralysis"). There were millions of cases worldwide when the vaccine first appeared; today essentially zero . . . although the disease seems to be making a comeback, largely thanks to the aforementioned anti-vaxxers.

    For another example, let's look at measles. Here's an excerpt from the Wikipedia article: "In 1980, 2.6 million people died from measles, and in 1990, 545,000 died due to the disease; by 2014, global vaccination programs had reduced the number of deaths from measles to 73,000. Despite these trends, rates of disease and deaths increased from 2017 to 2019 due to a decrease in immunization." That'll show those Commie bastards!

    1. JKS
      I have always supported vaccination for all of the reasons you stated. But this covid one is different. It is an manufactured disease and a manufactured remedy that was not tested and is definetly killing tens of thousands , maybe hundreds of thousands worldwide and just happens to be a golden cash cow for those involved.
      I can't see how you could put traditional vaccines and this covid rubbish in the same basket.
