Monday, August 12, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel. A long video that I haven't watched yet because of it's length but am placing it here so I don't forget.

- Peter Attia on a report on supplements.

- Secret Service apologizes to salon owner for breaking in to use their bathroom without permission. Everyone is turning into tyrants. 

- Rowan Atkinson on the state of censorship in Britain


  1. SS Armed Breaking and Entering (felony): So the boss says "very wrong." Fine. What was done to the dumbshit who did it to prevent it happening again? And what attitudinal mind would think it the right thing to do in the first place?

  2. Agreed. That's what we'd be charged with if we tried to do the same. Any agents who agreed or we involved with the break in should be fired for cause.

  3. Largebill4:52 PM

    Agree with Bob. This isn't something done just once. This is borne of an institutional attitude of "We can do whatever we want because our mission trumps everything." I don't give a crap about the apology. Apologies are BS. I want to know about firings and criminal charges. If the head of an organization wants to send an unmistakable message that abuse of citizens or their property is not acceptable they will fire and charge all involved. No one fired or charged also sends a message, not a good one.
