Friday, July 28, 2006

John Kerry and the Frank Burns Defense

UN Ambassador John Bolton basically handed Senator John Kerry his hat during this exchange regarding talks with North Korea:
John Kerry: This has been going on for five years, Mr. Ambassador.

John Bolton: It's the nature of multilateral negotiations, Senator.

John Kerry: Why not engage in a bilateral one and get the job done? That's what the Clinton Administration did.

John Bolton: And, very poorly since the North Koreans violated the agreed framework almost from the time it was signed.
Its is amazing that Kerry could try and hold up the Clinton bilateral talks with North Korea as any sort of success. It is as if to Kerry's thinking the agreement they reached was a very good one but its not their fault the North Koreans tricked them.

It reminds me of Kerry trying to defend his vote FOR the war in Iraq before he voted AGAINST the war in Iraq. Kerry once tried to explain that he only voted for the war because the administration tricked him. Maybe I'm naive but don't you want someone savvy enough to tell the truth from the subterfuge dealing with Foreign Policy? At this point Kerry seems so easily fooled that it would not surprise me to see him fall for the "I got your nose" trick.

The person John Kerry really reminds me of is Frank Burns from the TV show M*A*S*H. Frank once explained to Margaret "Hotlips" Houlihan that his wife tricked him into getting married. She tricked him by saying she liked him. This isn't the first time that in my mind John Kerry made me think of Frank Burns.

HT Gateway Pundit

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