Friday, September 07, 2018

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Personally I think the writer of the anonymous NYT opinion piece was a hold-over from the Obama Administration...  I'm still disappointed that the nickname "the Junk Mailer" doesn't show up on Brett Favre's page... "Mumble, mumble, mumble, discontention"(My favorite thing to say under my breath at meetings that run too long)... On many trips I've asked myself the same question... Why hasn't Taylor Swift spoken out about the Nike Kaepernick ad controversy? What is she hiding?... Legal brothels in Nevada have added the "Philly Special" to their "menu". (In actuality they just changed the name of their "Mexican Avalanche" offering.) Only the best for Eagles fans... Heh Heh...


  1. My guess is that it is someone who works at the White House but is so lower level that they are never actually in any of the meetings.

    Or it could be Corey Booker :)
