Friday, November 01, 2019

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

This is not the Photoshop picture of President Trump the New York Times should have made a big deal about. It should have been this one... I think the people who thought up this impeachment farce are the same people who thought America was hungry for a reboot of Murphy Brown... Reminder - "Joe Biden" is an anagram for "I need job"... "If I had a nickel for every woman who finds me unattractive, they would eventually find me attractive." The author of that quote is unknown but I really want to attribute it to Rodney Dangerfield... If the New York Times really wanted to generate controversy about that "photo" of President Trump giving the hero dog the Medal of Honor they should have questioned the timing because the story really took away from the impact of National Cat Day. That's a story that would have played well with the crazy cat ladies who make up a good portion of the Times readership... "Coming of Age" stories are a little too spot on if you just reverse the order of those three words... I still think that the word "orgasm" should be replaced with the word "culminate". I also still say that salad bars should be re-named "vegetable buffets"... 

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