Thursday, November 14, 2019

China and Coal

China tells the outside world that they are going "green" and are committed to renewable energy sources. But the truth is what they are committed to is burning coal. China now burns more coal than almost all the industrialized nations combined.

Part of me understands. Coal is a source of energy available domestically. "China's dependence of energy imports rose from 9% in 2014 to more than 20% in 2016." There seems to be no end to the demand for more energy in China. So why not try to maximize what resources you have at hand?

But China is also a signatory to the Paris Climate Accords. And it bugs me that I'm supposed to give up plastic straws while much of the world seems content to let China slide on saying they are committed to "green" energy and "clean coal".


  1. Yup, irks me no end. Send Greta to China, she'll quickly learn what "Who gives a crap?" means...

  2. No you can't do that - that would be culturally insensitive (and wouldn't help with fund raising)

    Same with Amnesty International. Can't send them to China to document the government's treatment of Muslims or to Hong Kong to document repression of the protesters (that would also hurt fund raising - better to stick to bashing the USA and Israel than speak the truth)
