Saturday, March 04, 2023

Does Our Universe have Antimatter Partner on the Other Side of the Big Bang?

I've long thought this but this is first time I've seen an article about it (from 2019 but new to me).

To me the existence of matter and anti-matter makes logical the existence of time and anti-time. This would also explain why the arrow of time only moves in one direction (forward) whereas in the anti-matter and anti-time mirror universe it would move in the opposite direction. 

This would be bad news for all those movies that use time-travel as a plot device.

Conversely, I've also wondered if the arrow of time exists because time and space become entangled at the quantum level and once entangled cannot be untangled. This would create a holy trinity of space, time and reality - and the arrow of time. The universe is expanding into nothingness because that nothingness has yet to be entangled with time to create reality. Of course the mirror universe and the entanglement of space and time could both be true!

Pretty deep stuff for a Saturday morning.

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