Friday, April 07, 2023

Budweiser Went Woke

And while Budweiser may not go "broke" the decision to hire a transgender spokesperson is harming their bottom line. Anecdotally, about 60% of the people at my local watering holes who were hard core Bud Light drinkers have switched brands because of this. 

Budweiser has turned themselves into a punchline. And for what?

An aspect of this story that that may not be getting enough coverage is why hire a TikTok "influencer" in the first place? TikTok is considered a younger person's platform and in many or most cases the audience is well below the legal drinking age. Was this the equivalent of a cigarette company using a cartoon camel to advertise to potential underage customers? It was a bad decision by Budweiser all around and to me it is just plain creepy.

Lucky for us Skittles already has the tagline, "Taste the Rainbow" or Bud Light may have tried to force that on the public too.


  1. Sales are down at my local watering hole. People you wouldn't expect to care have switched brands, at least temporarily. Hard lines are being crossed, and many have had more than enough.

  2. Will be interesting to see what Anheiser-Bush's revenue numbers look like next quarter. See LOTS of people switching to other brands.
