Thursday, September 26, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Study find psilocybin gives comparable long-term antidepressant effects to standard antidepressants. I know I'm not depressed.

- VDH on our so-called "experts"

- "Severe" solar storm may bring the Northern Lights as far as the Deep South

- The biggest scandal in modern American history that nobody seems to care about. Understanding the situation makes it clear who to vote for in November.


  1. Current day "experts" have blossomed thanks to Mad Media. Those "experts" use the same methods, or lack of, as peer review medical/scientific occurs these days. That is, glance, turn page, sign.

    [My Wx software is running and I'm watching Helene at same Lat as Key West right now. Don't wish bad on the Panhandle, but I sure hope she doesn't jog eastward as she moves northward. Currently we expect only TS conditions.]

  2. When I see anyone quoting experts these days I remember the Richard Feynman quote that you could have a PhD and still be an idiot. I also remember as a kid that he "experts" were predicting we would have a new ice age by now.

    BTW - hope anyone who may be in the path of the hurricane stays safe,
