Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found either interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- I'd support this recommendation.

- Tara Dower sets known fastest time on Appalachian Trail

- A warning worth heeding

- The real story of Robin Hood.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Fastest time on the Appalachian Trail... kind of misses the whole point of hiking doesn't it?

  2. I agree. You should get a workout but the point is to be out in nature. That said think that many are competitive by nature and going faster or further but there isn't much further than the full Appalachian Trail so that leaves speed. Not for me but I admire the spirit and accomplishment.

    Doing a through hike on the AT is on my bucket list but I'd need to budget 3-4 months.

    1. I admire someone who can complete the hike, but if you've got half a dozen people carrying your crap and making your food and setting your camp then 'you' didn't really do the hike, did you? You just walked a lot for 6 weeks.

  3. To be fair she ran and walked for 40+ hours to break the record but she did it with the help of a team. She didn't carry a pack that held her sleeping bag, all her food, and changes of clothes. Not the same and not the reason why most people (me included) hike.

    I've done a fair amount of the AT in both Mass and Maine but only in chucks and when I had the time for a day hike.
