Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

Ukraine agrees to a 30-day cease fire. Now the ball is in Russia's court. We live in interesting times.

- From the archives: Peter Attia on the epidemic of Martiomania. It's that time of year again!

- USAID official tells staffers "Shred and burn your documents."

- Douglas Murray wins lawsuit against The Observer. Good for him!


  1. "Shred and burn your documents."
    Unless your'e abandoning an embassy just before it gets overrun by "students" and "peaceful protesters", that's a federal felony.

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Ukraine was/is about to be over run due to collapsing defenses, let's make Russia stop by a 'deal' Zelensky has repeatedly said he won't agree too, until right now. Does anyone believe Russia would fall for that deal?

  3. The whole story seems off - shred and burn should be illegal. And isn't the employees there answerable to Marco Rubio?

  4. Don't know the details of the "deal" but guessing the outlines were discussed with Russia. Wouldn't be surprised if its not the same parameters Russia offered Zelensky at the outbreak of the war.
