Thursday, January 31, 2019

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- This story of Robert Mueller's past is chilling. Shameful!

- I admit I love this shirt! I'm going to have to buy one.

Navy's first female jet pilot dies at 65

- Interesting - Bill Simmon's Ringer made $15 million on podcast revenue last year

- Holy crap - the lure of the spider-tailed horned viper

- This 72-year old makes me feel guilty for not going to the gym

- Wow!


  1. The FBI has probably been corrupt since its beginning. I'm sure it's only gotten worse over the decades. Mueller and Comey are merely the last to oversee an organization that frankly needs to be disbanded.

  2. I think there was a point where most of the agents were Mormons or went to Boston College. That's probably the point the FBI was most reliable and honest.
