Monday, June 26, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Laughed way too much at this. I have the sense of humor of a 12-year old boy.

- Noah Smith on Indiamerica. India is a country we should be closer with - for many reason.

- High school debates have become the new woke target. This trend needs to be reversed. These people cannot take the light of day.

- Is this the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin? Article asks, "Is this too good to be true?" and I agree (but for different reasons). Learn to spot propaganda.


  1. Commode graphics: I was going to ask if you came across what country that is from, but it doesn't make much difference. This country will be there in 20 years at the rate it's headed. I won't be around to see it/live in it, thankfully.

    I do wonder, however, which sex, gender, identify as, impersonating today, flavor of the week, whatever, space that was posted in.

    Or perhaps we could be wildly optimistic and think it was a fictitious creation.

  2. I had those questions too but was laughing too hard. They say there's a story behind every warning sign - would love to hear that story.
