Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

The Tucker Carlson Twitter video is up to 12.3 million views. It was at just 2 million when I wrote about it. Let me know what its up tp when you view it. We're watching the switch away from legacy corporate media in real time. As always, if anything made you think or smile - please Subscribe (paid would be nice if you can afford it), hit the Like button, and share the link with others (Twitter or Facebook are fine). And please let me know if you're receiving the email notification. Substack has been a biy wonky lately.


  1. Stretch9:22 PM

    23.3 million at 2121 hours, 16 June.

  2. Thanks Strech - guessing that's at least double the entre day at Fox News even in Tuckers just 15 or so minutes.

    Seriously we're watching this in real time.
