Tuesday, October 05, 2004

VP Debate

Here are some of my thoughts and observations after watching the VP Debate:

- When Cheney said that Kerry voted against the $87 billion because of anti-war pressures from the Dean campaign - I really wished he also said, "and if John Kerry can't even stand up to 240 men who served in the same unit with him in Vietnam - how can you expect him to stand up to Al Qaeda?"

- Cheney's best answer was a non-answer when he declined the 30-second response time on gay marriage. I have no doubt that Cheney is a good dad.

- In regards to the political atmosphere being very divisive today - I wished Cheney mentioned that the last time the atmosphere was this divisive was during the Reagan Presidency and I think most people (maybe even Kerry) would agree that even though Reagan was divisive at the time - he was also 100% right at the time.

- Was it just me or could you condense Edwards every response into "We have a plan for that but time doesn't allow me to go into detail. The President continues to mislead us and hey how about that Haliburton deal?"

- Dick Cheney wasn't added to the ticket for Wyoming's 3 electoral college votes. Senator Edwards why were you added to the ticket again? Oh yeah - the great hair.

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