Sunday, November 06, 2005

Glue, Toilet Seats, Raid, Explosions and Broken Ribs

By now you've probably heard about the guy who fell victim to a prankster who put glue on one of the toilet seat of a Home Depot. That story reminded me of another.

About 15-years ago, in Israel, a housewife caught the mother of all cockroaches with a dustbin. She took the cockroach into the bathroom where she tried flushing him down the toilet. But this little bugger could really swim and after multiple flushes the bug was still in the bowl. Undeterred, the housewife got a can of Raid and sprayed that cockroach with the Raid until there was no Raid left in the can. This killed the cockroach but it also caused the housewife's husband to get third degree burns and broken ribs. Let me explain.

The husband comes home from work and the first thing he does is decide to read the paper on his throne. So he's sitting there reading the paper and he decided to light up a cigarette. A minute or two later the cigarette is done so he tosses it between his legs and BOOM! (Did I mention that Raid is highly flamable?)

The broken ribs? He got those after the paramedics came and were taking him on a stretcher to the hospital to treat his burns. The husband explained what happened to him and the paramedics started laughing so hard that they dropped him on the steps - breaking his ribs in the process.

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