Monday, October 01, 2018

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Amid all the recent protestations I am reminded that Barack Obama arranged for an internship for his daughter Malia at Harvey Weinstein's company back when EVERYONE KNEW what type of person Harvey Weinstein was. Think about that for a moment...  IF Jay Cutler did a 23andMe do you think he'd learn that Jeff George was his biological dad?... It looks like FitzMagic may be over but just a reminder I called Ryan Fitzpatrick's NFL success way back in 2005... Just saying but the people who love the intrigue and baseness of politics must share a common trait with the people who cannot get enough of the Dr. Pimple Popper videos... Maybe its not safe to go back in the water... Every time I find a dead fruit fly in my beer I think "That's the way he wanted to die." Then I finish my beer... Andre the Giant and Bobby Orr - such a great photo... I still say my first move as President would be to make Bill Belichick my Press Secretary. Those briefings would be epic!...

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