Monday, February 03, 2020

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

In the next day or two I guarantee that you will see graphics showing the members of the Kansas City Chiefs who say they will not be going to the White House. I also guarantee that people will then come up with new graphics that add either Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren to the people who will not be going to the White House... Heh Heh... "Choose the non-emotional response to any given situation and see how much easier your life becomes." - Excellent life advice from Naval Ravikant... Interesting long read from Outside - The FBI of the National Park Service. Kept thinking it could be called CSI: Yosemite instead...  Another read worth your time is Tim Ferriss' latest blog post 11 Reasons Not to Become Famous which could easily have been called "The Dark Side of Fame." Makes you think twice about wanting to be famous (though I have nothing against still wanting to be rich)...

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