Monday, May 11, 2020

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- I laughed too much at this.

- Good for Elon Musk. I hope he follows through on moving Tesla out of California.

- The golfing yogi: The man who says Michael Jordan lost $1.2 million to him. I agree with Tom Cruise on this one. I also agree with Jordan that writing the book canceled the debts.

- Victor Davis Hanson with some truths. I know many are fatigued by the news - especially regaring the Wuhan Virus - but these truths need to be said over and over so that the wool cannot be pulled over the public's eyes.

- Elon Musk is 100% right about this. Tesla is being targeted by an un-elected bureaucracy. Can't help but recall that it was an un-elected bureaucrat that forced the Dodgers out of Brooklyn too.


  1. Expand on that Dodgers comment if you please? I'm unfamiliar.

  2. The owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers wanted to build a new ballpark and he wanted it in Brooklyn but his efforts were blocked by Robert Moses who was the NYC Parks Commissioner. In Moses mind the proper place for the Dodgers in the NYC he envisioned was in Queens not Brooklyn. But the owner of the BROOKLYN Dodgers didn't want Queens - he wanted Brooklyn.

    While this was going on representatives from Los Angeles came to the owner of the Dodgers with a fantastic offer of land and support. Compared with the bullying he was getting from Robert Moses and the City of New York this offer was appealing and he took it. The rest is history.
