Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Perfect storm coming for some campuses - most colleges are facing massive budget cuts due to the Wuhan virus meanwhile students (who don't know any better) are enamored with the talking-point of "defund the police." Boom - bye bye campus police departments (I predict you'll see at least one college go this route)... Elon Musk calls for the breakup of Amazon. "Monopolies are wrong!" As an aside Jeff Bezos also happens to be Musk's biggest competition when it comes to privatized space travel... "How soon before the word "landlord" is attacked and becomes verboten language? I mean by definition a "lord" is male (death to the patriarchy)... So Conor McGregor has announced his retirement from fighting (again). I'll believe this is true in about 5-years... "Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised." - Marilyn Manson... So if spaghetti approached the event horizon of a black hole - would it too become "spaghettified?" Or would it turn into another form of pasta?...

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