Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- NJ's small, networked dairy farmers are a model for a more resilient food system

- Week late but I got a kick out of this

- Speaking of Trump - the President plans to remove about 25% of the US troops in Germany. And the Germans aren't happy.

- This is from 2017 but recent Covid-19 "models" reinforce the point that "successful modeling with modern computers is 'mathematically impossible'"

- If Drew Brees was forced to apologize - what about RBG? Hmmmm...

- Honda seems to have been hit with a ransomeware attack (Hat tip Steve Landry)


  1. It's amazing how much political hash is being made of the President's decision to bring troops home from overseas. Especially from the perfumed princes at the five sided puzzle palace. They seem to forget who is really in charge of policy.

  2. Since the knee-jerk reaction seems to be to always oppose whatever Trump wants to do - you have to wonder if Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi will suddenly come out in favor of sending MORE troops to Germany.

    Strange times
