Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Djokovic, Irving, and Rodgers as Modern Day Muhammad Ali's?

Clay Travis makes the argument that the refusal to get vaccinated in the face of great public pressure makes Novak Djokovic, Kyrie Irving, and Aaron Rodgers modern day heirs to Muhammad Ali and his protest against the Vietnam War.

At first I thought this comparison to Vietnam was ridiculous but now I think Travis has a better point than maybe he even knows.

  • The were 53,220 US servicemen killed in Vietnam. The excess total mortality deaths from vaccines in the US may well eclipse that number. The increased all cause mortality in Israel for after when vaccines were introduced in 2021 and 2022 (up to July) is almost 6,000. And Israel is about the size of New Jersey.
  • During Vietnam men could get deferments by going to college or flee to Canada. Now colleges required proof of vaccination to attend and Canada's restrictions were even harsher than the US's.
  • Just like PTSD from Vietnam continued to claim many lives after the war was over - science has no idea how many additional deaths could be traced back to the changes brought on by the introduction of mRNA into the body or from psychological damaged caused by lockdowns

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