Sunday, August 21, 2022

Not All US Military Spending is Money Well Spent

Exhibit A - the Zumwalt stealth destroyer class fiasco.  

The US Navy seems to have a history of boondoggles lately. This article does a good job of showing how the sausage gets made in the modern military-industrial complex.


  1. In fact, it's not even money. It's currency. Fiat at that, otherwise they'd have to spend within their means. That day's coming anyway as nine decades of inflationary printing, held abroad as petrodollars and "world reserve currency" finally floods home en mass while we simultaneously ramp up printing exponentially. If you have dollars, better turn them into something of actual value *soon*, while greater fools still think they have value. Clock's tickin'.

  2. Don't necessarily disagree which is why I think it's wise to become as debt free as possible as soon as possible
