Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Lex Friedman's Reading List

Lex Fridman posted his desired upcoming reading list for the start of the year (he's hoping to read a book a week for all of 2023) and he was much derided for it. Some thought it was too basic or high schoolish. But Lex explained than many of the books on the list he'd be re-reading. Here's the list:

I've read 13 of the 22 books listed and another 2 I started but put down because I just didn't like the books (The Stranger by Camus and On the Road by Kerouac). Many of the books on the list I've read multiple times and had been planning to re-read Siddhartha again before this list was published. Hope to read Meditations and 2001: A Space Odyssey in 2023 - so obviously I have no problem with the list. 

Do have an issue with the idea of "a book a week" since reading is not a contest or a race but I applaud Lex for putting his list out there and maybe encouraging others to do some more reading in 2023 then they did in 2022. That's my plan too!


  1. Currently reading The Splendid and the Vile, with a bunch more ahead of me. Finished Sand and Steel about D-Day a couple of weeks ago. Not sure I will ever read some of the books on the above list, but I have read a number of them.

  2. I would not say I'll never read the books on the list I haven't already but honestly that window has probably passed. For example - have never read Animal Farm but through osmosis I get the gist. So many, many books and so little time.

  3. life is too short to read russian novels. bring on the cozy mysteries, and the biographies of great men!

  4. Have to say I'm with you about the Russian novelists. Just can't get into them. Same with James Joyce (though I've tried a number of times).
