Thursday, January 12, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Xi Jinping is pivoting and now trying to make friends with the West again because the reality of China's economy not being the roaring tiger he thought it was hits him in the face.

- Never knew this. If they did choose Raquel there never would have been a Ginger vs Maryanne argument. It would have been as one sided as Georgia vs TCU.

- The Pats do need to make some changes to their coaching staff.

- Seriously want one of these kites.


  1. There never was a Ginger vs. Marianne argument. Everyone liked Marianne.

  2. That's true, But imagine how lopsided it would have been if it was Raquel? That casting folks must have thought Ginger was the bombshell,

    Life in WKRK - always thought the Bailey character was hotter than Loni Anderson
