Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The Global Emancipation of the Unvaccinated

Interesting post documenting the many ways governments and others used lockdowns, vaccine mandates and outright coercion to try to implement their goals. The post begins by wondering if this coercion was in violation of the Nuremberg Code of 1947:

Many an article points out that the [Nuremberg] Code states that, as regards any experimental medical treatment, "the voluntary consent of the the human subject is absolutely essential... without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion." 

It should be mentioned that the vaccines in the US were all experimental as the one vaccine to be FDA approved was never released for public use. And certainly there was an abundance of fraud and deceit.

In light of the many healthy athletes around the globe who have started to suddenly collapse, this paragraph also seems relevant:

The violation of informed consent - specifically, the failure of public health authorities to adequately warn of the risk of myocarditis in young males - and to accurately represent the relatively miniscule threat posed to them by COVID-19 - remains a pressing concern as the vaccine mandates haven't been entirely abolished in the West.

Question is - will people be held accountable? 


  1. Accountable? You ARE kidding, right? The next revision of the universal, omnipotent, and all empowered dictionary to the world will show an empty space where that word formerly resided. That is the way that great tome keeps up with societal norms.

  2. agreed. too many of our supposed elites are tangled in this, so they will not hold anyone accountable...

  3. The only person you can count on is yourself. So true and the quicker people understand that the better.

    That said - surprised we have seen a bunch of Jack Ruby copy cats or an American version Russian billionaires falling out of windows
