Monday, March 13, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- So Very True. Every year.

- How dare she

- Interesting look at the run on SVB from the perspective of a customer.

- How Biden's abuse of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is harming the US 


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What did that vc entrepreneur and ceo due in regard to due diligence on his bank and risk management of his firm? Apparently not enough. Which says a lot about his own firm's management.

  2. Don't disagree but think it was more along "everyone's using SVB so they must be good" due diligence. Or put another way, "When everyone's thinking the same - nobody is thinking." Personally believe the ESG angle of this story isn't getting enough airplay. It's a very real problem for any company - especially banks - to think their primary focus is not being a good business but being a societal force for "good"
