Monday, May 01, 2023

I Can Easily Solve the Puzzle

Then again, I am a bit of a psychopath.


  1. Terrapod1:49 PM

    Analyzed it as an engineer and immediately concluded there was nothing to be done to the apples, therefore it had to involve the trio. Solved! Now if you add a morality constraint there is no solution.

  2. Adam and Eve meets Cain and Able.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Hmmmm, looks like, advantage to girl.

  4. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I'm a bit disappointed in you guys.
    Hold the two apples close together and slice one third off both apples with one stroke of the knife. Two children get an apple with 1/3 sliced off and the last child gets the two slices. Just because you normally cut apples one at a time does not restrict you to doing so.
    I scored low on the psychopathy scale but the violent solution also occurred to me.
