Tuesday, May 16, 2023

More Linky Links

More links I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Last week it was a call from the Left to take a closer look at RFK Jr. This week it's The American Conservative pointing out The Courage of RFK Jr. "The urgency of his message obliges all Americans of conscience - left or right - to listen."

- The Tablet on the alliance between Big Pharma and marketing firms that have replaced the maxim "first do no harm" with the phrase "show me the money." Make time to read this today!

- Trump says if re-elected he'll release ALL of the JFK assassination files. This is a direct result of RFK Jr. already being a factor in 2024.

- How we spend our days is how we spend our lives - choosing presence over productivity.


  1. Largebill8:57 PM

    This isn't first time he has promised to release those files. Why do people think he'll do in 2025 what he wouldn't do in his first term? https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/28/politics/trump-jfk-files-full-release/index.html

  2. Bill I was going to mention that but to give Trump credit he did keep many more of his campaign promises than any President in my lifetime. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
