Friday, May 05, 2023

More Linky Links

 More stuff I found interesting or amusing.

- Alabama baseball coach fired after suspicious betting activity. Coaches betting is a no-no. Betting against your team is a real NO-NO.

- Heh Heh

Anheuser-Busch CEO finally disavows Dylan Mulvaney partnership. Article does a good job documenting the controversy and the ripples it has caused in the beer industry.

- Westinghouse unveils the AP300 - a new small modular 300-400KW nuclear reactor. Faster please!


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The most succinct summation of the Bud Lite fiasco was at AceofSpades

    WHAT WE WANTED: an apology.

    WHAT WE WOULD HAVE SETTLED FOR: A promise to never do this again

    WHAT WE GOT: Insults that we are liars spreading "misinformation"

    I don't think that's going to quell the boycott, A-B.

  2. Let's get a few of those small reactors up and running and see how they do. Maybe they will help lower the energy costs for us.

  3. I still say if I were President I'd require one of those small footprint nuclear plants at every military base in the US - and if any state did not give the OK - close that base. Simple
