Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Top TV Theme Songs

Execupundit has his list of what he considers the top TV theme songs of all time.  While these lists are subjective - I still feel comfortable with my Top 5 choices from December 2004 (been doing this blog a damn long time):

Top 5 TV Theme Songs

1. Hawaii Five-O
2. Barney Miller
3. Rockford Files
4. Cheers
5. (tie) Bonanza (tie) Rawhide

Although rethinking about having Peter Gunn on the list (mainly because I associate it with the Spy Hunter video game) and think the theme song to Game of Thrones definitely deserves a spot somewhere.


  1. Ah the Ventures and Hawaii Five -O, yes that is rightly there. Frankie Laine's Rawhide was fabulous as well.
    Have a listen to Guy Van Duser doing a medley of the western shows theme songs if you get a chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6XE68y14QE

  2. One of my favorite bits of trivia is that the theme to Bonanza actually has lyrics. Of course how many people remember Bonanza these days?

  3. Mission: Impossible
    Andy Griffith Show
    The opening (drums) to Hogan's Heroes

  4. Good calls.

    Would also mention the theme to the Three Stooges and Merry Melodies (Bugs Bunny). Not sure if those count though.

    My personal all-time favorite is the theme to Maverick (but not as catchy as the others).

  5. Stretch9:54 PM

    Hill Street Blues, Cheers, Perry Mason, Rat Patrol (which sounds similar to the Combat! theme).
