Sunday, July 30, 2023

Farnam Street Knowledge


The OODA Loop: How Fighter Pilots Make Fast and Accurate Predictions

As has been pointed out - John Boyd was an interesting person.


  1. Chris, I have 8 .mov files of him lecturing on the subject, each ~5 meg in size. If you are interested, let me know. One is audio-only. I was VERY interested in the subject and found it fascinating that it took one guy to "figure it out." One rather special guy, at that. I've long since passed on my books on the subject - my pdf listing is still 114 pages long, the vast majority being on World War II. So far no ROTC or university library wants it and I no longer maintain it or do research.,

  2. Think John Boyd has some of his classes on YouTube. I hope to get to those someday but I've said the same about Feynman's physics lessons.

    Appreciate the offer though

  3. Should point out that Libertyman actually mentioned that John Boyd never actually shot down an enemy plane. Often our best pilots never got the opportunities others did (or created).
