Wednesday, July 26, 2023

More Linky Links

More stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

-  Interesting - Japan PM reaffirms Web3 plans.

I was unaware of this. I am suddenly more skeptical of childhood vaccines.

- My Family was Hunted by Nazi but I was Fired. Was sure this was going to be written by Rosanne Barr but instead I get an example of the Left (unsurprisedly) eating its own. The author is wrong - Twitter is not that sort of place - Seattle is.

- Think this would be a good law. Also in support of "farmers market-type" places for hunters to locally sell excess deer and other game meat.


  1. The problem with the vaccine article is the same one I encounter frequently - toxic chemicals are mentioned, but nowhere do they tell me HOW MUCH. Formaldehyde is a poison, but it's only harmful above a certain threshold. Same with mercury. Remember when the government claimed that breaking a CFL bulb was a toxic spill? You would have had to put your head in a box for eight hours with that amount of mercury to have any effect on you.

  2. Was thinking the other day about how the WHO just came out with a study saying Aspartame is a carcinogen but then critics saying - year but it would take 100 Diet Cokes a day to be lethal. But isn't the point that the allowable amount of poison or carcinogen we should be allowed to consume is ZERO.

    Vaccine makers should likewise to allowed to add ZERO fillers where they can't even say what's in the filler. IMHO

  3. I've never before heard of Brucha Weissberger but a superficial Google search suggests he may be something of a religious nutcase. Even if not, I find it appalling that possibly legitimate concerns over mRNA Covid vaccines seems to have morphed into opposition to all vaccines. Hitherto it was mostly Hollywood nitwits talking about the spurious autism connection -- always debunked but always popping up again in whack-a-mole fashion -- and now we're hearing it everywhere. Even here.

    For the love of God, have people forgotten how devastating childhood diseases used to be? Polio, whooping cough, scarlet fever, mumps, several flavors of measles, and much more? With results like deafness, permanent heart damage, paralysis, . . . and death? Sure, let's bring them all back because there might be a microscopic contaminant in the vaccine that could affect one out of every 10 million kids!

    A few points to take into account:

    1. Human biodiversity is such that all medications -- not just vaccines -- affect some people adversely. Usually, as in the case of children's vaccines, a very small proportion. We weigh this risk against the enormous benefit of the meds or vaccines.

    2. Zero contaminants and/or defects, a.k.a. perfection, is an unrealistic and unattainable goal for virtually anything we put in our bodies, including vaccines and food. Here again we should do a cost-benefit analysis, not shut it down until it's ** completely safe **.

    3. It is absolutely untrue that children's vaccines are not tested against placebos. Here I have personal experience: as an elementary school child in the early 1950s I was in one of the first test groups for the Salk polio vaccine. Some of us got the vaccine, some a placebo. I don't know which I got, but I do know that I never contracted polio -- unlike some older kids I knew for whom the vaccine didn't arrive soon enough. The disease was essentially wiped out -- a glorious, shining victory for our civilization. Until now, that is. I've heard that polio is making a comeback . . . among the children of imbeciles who oppose vaccines.

  4. I agree, there is no such thing as zero contaminants. The allowable amount of mercury that can go into public drains is constantly being revised downward, as the detection limits improve. We're down to the parts per billion range now, which is for all practical purposes, zero.

    Remember when the Bush administration was accused of putting arsenic in the water supply when they changed the limits? The Clinton administration had adopted a 10ppb limit, which was probably the detection limit.

  5. I agree that zero contaminants is probably unrealistic but I also believe in the oath "First do no harm" which seems to have been thrown overboard by many MD's in search of cash.

    Glad to hear about the childhood vaccines. I'm vaccinated and so are my children. Hope a stringent standard is maintained.
