Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Reminder - What's In a Barrel of Oil


  1. I would like an explanation of why they can charge so much more for a higher octane rating. In the old days it was a few cents.(Still that was about only 10% more, not the 30% that it seems to be now) Now it is as much as a dollar to go from 87 to 93. The mid range is a mix of premium and regular, but that isn't proportional. Plus they don't go as high as they did for octane at the pump. Is there a website that outlines refinery costs, I wonder?

  2. Used to know the answer to this but my company has blanketly told people not to get the higher octane (and priced) gas because it really doesn't improve the vehicle's performance. That was good enough for me (and I never used higher octane gas).
