Thursday, August 10, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

Dan Wetzel on what comes next for Johnny Manziel.

- China officially abandons the Paris Accords. They haven't been living up to it for years. On a related note scientists say climate change has always been a hoax.

- The Economic Case for Generative AI and Foundation Models. (HT Stephen Landry)

- Interesting: The Gender War is Over in Britain


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Never had any sympathy for Johnny Football. Grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, spoiled rotten, irresponsible. Took 30 years to gain a bit perspective and humility. All he had to do was exercise his unearned gifts and at least pretend to have some morals, pretend to care about something bigger than himself, to care about something other than self gratification. And here he is, making excuses, making money off 2 good years of college ball years after the fact. Directionless, still not examining his gifts, doing nothing with them, still wanting sympathy and praise for being a stuck up, drunken man-child that would do anything but help someone else. Maybe daddy will buy him a good gun when the Netflix money is pissed away on whores and booze. And about 6 people will care. Good job, Johnny.

  2. Not much sympathy for Johnny (who at 30 still goes by Johnny) but I am a fan of Dan Wetzel. Might not find the enthusiasm to watch the Netflix doc but the article was worth it.
